How to buy
Buying from acniti
Acniti sells mainly direct to their customers. We ship via DHL or FedEx and larger orders go on a pallet either per ship or airplane. We cooperate worldwide with partners and integrators. Partners and integrators buy most often OEM components from us and integrate that into their own products.
acniti accepted payments

Acniti accepts bank payments, PayPal and many major credit cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner's Club and EnRoute. Our preferred method for receiving money is via bank transfer to our Wise bank account, it means the lowest transfer costs for both sender and receiver. Credit card payments are always done in Japanese Yen, we cannot receive credit card payments in other currencies.
For all orders, the client receives upfront a sales quotation with all terms and conditions stated. Ask here for a quotation or check our Terms and Conditions.
acniti accepted currencies

To save on bank fees acniti offers payments in 7 currencies, we have bank accounts in all the major currencies countries which saves you bank fees.
- Euro
- British Pound
- US Dollar
- Japanese Yen
- Australian Dollar
- New Zealand Dollar
- Singapore Dollar