Actifs de la marque acniti
Acniti et ressources de la marque acniti, style maison d'entreprise
Thanks for your interest in acniti, for the use of our brand resources we have a few guidelines. Please take moment to familiarize yourself.
- Primary Font Logo ITCBauhaus-Demi
- Secondary Font pay off Inter ("Accelerate Growing with UltraFine Bubbles")
- Text in Inter size 11
- Color Dark Blue #0b55a3 --> RGB --> 0, 79, 146 --> HSB 208,100%, 57% --> Lab 33, 0, -44, --> CMYK 100, 77, 14, 2%
- Color Light Blue #72c6ef --> RGB 114, 198, 239, --> HSB 200, 52%, 94% --> Lab 76, -18, -29 --> CMYK 50, 5, 0, 0%
- Color Light- Blue #86d3f9
- Color Light+ Blue #67b6dc
- Color Brown Background footer #484848 -> RGB --> 51,51,51 --> HSB 0%, 0%, 28% --> Lab 31, 0, 0 --> CYMK 66, 59, 58, 40%
- Pay off with logo: "Accelerate Growing with UltraFine Bubbles"
- Slogan: "Accelerate Growing with UltraFine Bubbles"
- Arabic Font KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS
- Persian Font B Nazanin
- Japanese Font Meiryo
Logo guidelines
- ITCBauhaus (demi) use with headers only without using capitals
- Inter use for body text
This is acniti’s friendly legal reminder that all our logos, marks, and graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws, so please use them correctly.
Display our graphics in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by acniti of your product, service, or business.
Use acniti's graphics as part of your own product, business, or service’s name.
Alter these graphics in any way, or combine them with any other graphics, without written consent from acniti.
Last updated: jeudi, 8 février 2024